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ODL Blog | Trends, How-To's and More

Turn Your Home Into a Private Sanctuary Through Design

When you’re at home, it’s natural to want to feel safe and relaxed. Part of that is preventing nosy neighbors or random passers-by from seeing what’s happening in your living spaces. And part of that is designing your home in a way that not only...

5 Reasons Enclosed Blinds are Better Than Any Other Window Treatment

Blinds and window coverings are essential in any home, but they are an imperfect solution. Most traditional window treatments don’t work well on hinged doors. After all, swinging blinds, tangled cords, and old-fashioned valances aren’t very...

How Do I Identify Impact Glass? (and What Sets it Apart)

Impact glass, also known as hurricane-resistant or severe weather glass, is an essential component of any home in an area affected by extreme weather. But, it can be tough to know if your home offers you the protection you need, especially if you...

Thinking of a Fiberglass Entry Door? 10 Pros & Cons to Consider

Is your front door the same one that came with your home when it was built, whether your house is 10 years old, 15, 25? Many people appreciate the front door for its function—it keeps the weather out and protects your family and belongings. But even...

How to Know When You Need a New Front Door

First impressions are everything, which means the entrance to your home will play a vital role in someone’s initial assessment of your home. And when it comes to your entryway, the main focal point is often your front door. Your front door should...

Easy Home Decorating Projects for Families

While it's absolutely true that the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has been difficult for families in particular, that doesn't necessarily mean that it's been an ENTIRELY negative experience. Getting kids involved with home improvement projects, for...

How to Select the Perfect Entry Door for Your Home

Your home’s decor says a lot about the people who live inside. The designs we utilize allow us to curate experiences and offer a glimpse of what lies ahead.

On-Trend Expertise: A Look at 2020’s Hottest Home Design Trends

In everything from fashion and hairstyles, to wellness and fitness, to home architecture and design, trends come and go. They can change by the season, year or decade, depending on our culture, environment and other influences.